Uganda Visit in the News
Our visit to Uganda captured some attention. Lori’s meeting with a Shoebill stork was in a music video and Michael’s milk pots were in a museum exhibit.
Endangered Shoebill Stork Video
Uganda Wildlife Education Center
March 2014
Lori is in a music video with Shushi the Shoebill Stork at Uganda Wildlife Education Centre. Musician Michael Ludvigsen saw Michael’s video of Shushi on our YouTube channel and asked if he could used a few clips in his music video. Take a look…
Uganda Milk Pot Photos Displayed at Museum Exhibit
Spirits of the Forest, People of the Herd: African Art in Two Worlds
Lyman Allyn Art Museum
March 18, 2014 – May 12, 2014
Professor Christopher B. Steiner, exhibit curator, saw Michael’s photos on our Flickr page asked if the museum could enlarge and print them for the exhibition.
Exhibition details: “Showcasing art and artifacts from two very different regions on the African continent: the forests of coastal West Africa and the mountainous plains of Uganda, this exhibit explores how aesthetic and functional objects express religious beliefs and help regulate social relationships.”
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